On Mon, Oct 29, 2007 at 10:54:34AM +0100, Ondrej Valousek wrote:
> I can not help myself - I have to add my comments as well:
> Fine that you no longer use NFS by default - but you still give users an
> option to use it - so it should work! But it does not.

Well, it worked for us in testing, if it doesn't, it's obviously a bug
and will get fixed.

> Exactly - We are still using LTSP 4.2 here because it is rock stable but
> I like LTSP 5.0 because of its features (well known and modern distro
> based, modular X org,... ) but there are bits and pieces that shows that
> it is still not that stable yet:
> - the nfs problem I mentioned above


> - shell terminal says "no job control on this terminal" (????) and
> "more" or "less" commands no longer work in shell console in Gutsy (was
> working in fiesty)

I've seen this behaviour before, ad I haven't had a chance to dig into it.
The better way to handle it, I've found, is simply to either create
an unprivileged user in the chroot, or, at your discretion, assign a password
for root.  Then you can simply log in on tty1, where everything works as
normal.  I know there's been some changes in console kit, but I'm not
sure what they are.

> - VESA framebuffer modes for higher text resolution no longer work in
> Gutsy (well I know I can not blame ltsp developers for this but anyway...)

File a bug against the Xorg packages, as we simply use their stuff as is.

> - if more X servers are running (screen_03, _04...) simultaneously, they
> sometimes interfere between each other in a funny way (again not
> probably ltsp developers fault, but...).

Same as above.

> Some of the flaws are simply distro-inherited but in fact - I do not
> care. What I need is a working solution I can trust and so my customers.
> I would even buy a bunch of RHEL (or other) licenses if ltsp package was
> included in it.
> I think you guys are doing a great job, but still - I see LTSP is
> instantly evolving and I am simply missing a package which is maybe a
> bit older but a rock stable on the other hand.

You're certainly welcome to use whatever works best for you.  However, I'll
state on the record that, as for myself, I've abandoned working on LTSP 4.2,
and am working on making LTSP5 better.  That's what's going to make it
into SuSE, and Fedora when the porting efforts are done, and that's what's
in Debian and Ubuntu today.  It doesn't make any sense for me to spend
time on the old one.


Scott L. Balneaves | "Eternity is a very long time,
Systems Department |  especially towards the end."
Legal Aid Manitoba |    -- Woody Allen

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