I finished a new installation of LTSP-PNP on Lubuntu 13.10, but I find 
that clients won't boot.

After the Plymouth splash screen, a text screen reads:

Error: socket failed: connection refused.

Then it dumps me to a screen with some familiar good LTSP boot messages 
followed by unfamiliar bad ones:

Trying to load: pxelinux.cfg/default        ok
mount: mounting /dev/nbd0 on /root failed: Invalid argument
/scripts/init-bottom/ltsp: line 27: panic: not found
chroot: can’t execute ‘/usr/bin/test’: No such file or directory
mount: mounting /root on /rofs failed: Invalid argument
mount: mounting /rofs on /root/rofs failed: Invalid argument
mount: mounting /dev /root/dev failed: No such file or directory
mount: mounting /sys on /root/sys failed: No such file or directory
mount: mounting /proc on /root/proc failed: No such file or directory
Target filesystem doesn’t have requested /sbin/init-ltsp.
No init found.  Try passing init= bootarg.

BusyBox v1.20.2 (Ubuntu 1:1.20.0-8.1ubuntu1) built-in shell (ash)
Enter ‘help’ for a list of built-in commands.

(initramfs) _


The initramfs prompt is working.


Based on the exchanges in bug 951526, it seemed like the output of 'sudo 
ltsp-update-image' would be of interest.  I follow with that:

ssh-keygen: generating new host keys: RSA1 RSA DSA ECDSA
Parallel mksquashfs: Using 1 processor
Creating 4.0 filesystem on /opt/ltsp/images/i386.img.tmp, block size 131072.

[/                                                           ] 
500/99574   0%
[=-                                                          ] 
3100/99574   3%
[===-                                                        ] 
6300/99574   6%
[====-                                                       ] 
7000/99574   7%
[====|                                                       ] 
7600/99574   7%
[=====/                                                      ] 
10000/99574  10%
[=====/                                                      ] 
10100/99574  10%
[======\                                                     ] 
11300/99574  11%
[======/                                                     ] 
11700/99574  11%
[=======|                                                    ] 
12700/99574  12%
[=======\                                                    ] 
13100/99574  13%
[========\                                                   ] 
14600/99574  14%
[=========/                                                  ] 
15800/99574  15%
[=========-                                                  ] 
16200/99574  16%
[=========/                                                  ] 
16400/99574  16%
[=========-                                                  ] 
16700/99574  16%
[==========|                                                 ] 
17800/99574  17%
[==========|                                                 ] 
18100/99574  18%
[===========|                                                ] 
19000/99574  19%
[===========-                                                ] 
19500/99574  19%
[===========/                                                ] 
20000/99574  20%
[=============\                                              ] 
22600/99574  22%
[================-                                           ] 
27200/99574  27%
[================\                                           ] 
27300/99574  27%
[====================\                                       ] 
34700/99574  34%
[========================/                                   ] 
42100/99574  42%
[=================================-                          ] 
56900/99574  57%
[======================================\                     ] 
64300/99574  64%
[======================================/                     ] 
64700/99574  64%
[==================================================|         ] 
84500/99574  84%
[====================================================/       ] 
88000/99574  88%
[====================================================\       ] 
89200/99574  89%
[======================================================-     ] 
92300/99574  92%
99574/99574 100%

Exportable Squashfs 4.0 filesystem, gzip compressed, data block size 131072
     compressed data, compressed metadata, compressed fragments, 
compressed xattrs
     duplicates are removed
Filesystem size 930783.93 Kbytes (908.97 Mbytes)
     38.36% of uncompressed filesystem size (2426201.41 Kbytes)
Inode table size 1305509 bytes (1274.91 Kbytes)
     26.82% of uncompressed inode table size (4867029 bytes)
Directory table size 1305740 bytes (1275.14 Kbytes)
     41.14% of uncompressed directory table size (3174145 bytes)
Xattr table size 36 bytes (0.04 Kbytes)
     90.00% of uncompressed xattr table size (40 bytes)
Number of duplicate files found 11368
Number of inodes 133365
Number of files 92519
Number of fragments 5665
Number of symbolic links  28530
Number of device nodes 82
Number of fifo nodes 0
Number of socket nodes 0
Number of directories 12234
Number of ids (unique uids + gids) 29
Number of uids 8
     root (0)
     man (6)
     clamav (109)
     user1 (1000)
     ntp (105)
     libuuid (100)
     syslog (101)
     lightdm (108)
Number of gids 28
     root (0)
     video (44)
     audio (29)
     tty (5)
     fuse (104)
     kmem (15)
     disk (6)
     dip (30)
     mlocate (109)
     adm (4)
     lp (7)
     user1 (1000)
     shadow (42)
     lightdm (116)
     ssl-cert (106)
     dialout (20)
     crontab (102)
     mail (8)
     lpadmin (112)
     ssh (110)
     messagebus (105)
     utmp (43)
     utempter (111)
     staff (50)
     libuuid (101)
     whoopsie (113)
     clamav (119)
     ntp (108)
Updating /var/lib/tftpboot directories for chroot: i386


My setup followed the usual procedure at 
https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuLTSP/ltsp-pnp, except that to 
fix an LTSP Client Boot Error: PXE-E32: TFTP open timeout, in 
/etc/dnsmasq.d/network-manager, I replaced the "bind-interfaces" line 
with a "bind-dynamic" line.

And to get Internet DNS Name Resolution working, I edited 
/etc/dnsmasq.d/ltsp-server-dnsmasq.conf and commented out the port=0 line.

I also edited /var/lib/tftpboot/ltsp/i386/lts.conf to add OpenDNS, 
SpiderOak and the Intel Mesh Agent services to the client 
RM_SYSTEM_SERVICES no-load list.


How do I proceed?


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