At 12:50 PM 10/13/2003 -0400, Roman Turovsky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Thank you, Eugene!!! This should make any further debate on this pointless.

I surely would join in this congratulation! but perhaps not on the same 
parts of Eugene's post Roman is congratulating him for.

This is the part I like:

> > To wantonly copy from facsimiles
> > only increases a publisher's risk in printing facsimiles, making publishers
> > less likely to do so in the future...and I personally don't want to have to
> > pay "extremely expensive" fees to a holding library to access such stuff
> > when publishers stop taking that risk.

Well said. According to Roman's world view it is morally acceptable to copy 
anything that is in the public domain, even if that material has been 
brought before the public through the efforts and investment of somebody 
else. It is easy to find rationales for exploiting the work of others, but 
the short-sighted instant gratification urge to do so, completely ignores 
that doing so, is to damage the entire system of access to sources we have 
lived with for decades, and replacing it with nothing of equal value of or 
utility. A data base of lute material? administered by whom? collected by 
whom? maintained by whom, and at what cost? how big a coin would you have 
to pay the editor of this material, and who would pay for it?

And what would you use for sources? The Complete Works of Dowland as 
published by Diana Poulton, or so one's else work doing the same research 
from scratch?

Wishful thinking of the kind Ariel is engaging in is easy to come by when 
you are an impressionable pipsqueek who is overwhelmed by his present 
unfavorable economic situation. But deliberate fraud of the kind Roman is 
promoting is something else altogether. In that campaign the end Justifies 
the means, including of slanderous innuendos about my private dealings with 
Russian composers, which are none of Roman's business and definitely OT for 
this list, anything goes. Problem is that the End Roman is seeking, the 
complete destruction of the print music industry, and definitely the 
destruction of those publishers who have the gall to ask for money in 
exchange for lute books, is not going to hurt Roman's prospects at his day 
job. He will continue to support his family, as he should, no matter what 
happens to the lute.

Consider this next time you kiss his poetic civil ass.

One more thing: the entire thesis would have been plausible from _Roman_'s 
point of view, if all the known lute books that ever existed and are known 
to exist today, would have been published in facsimiles that he can rip off.

Unfortunately for him and for his misguided predatory philosophy, that is 
far from being the case. We should be grateful to him and his ilk for the 
fact that the Franko University Library in Lviv, the Ukraine, refuses to 
allow anyone to have copies of the Lviv Manuscript or even to acknowledge 
its existence. Do prove me wrong, if you can.

Matanya Ophee
Editions Orphe'e, Inc.,
1240 Clubview Blvd. N.
Columbus, OH 43235-1226
Phone: 614-846-9517
Fax:     614-846-9794

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