At 10:13 AM 10/13/2003 -0400, Roman Turovsky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>As any psychologist might tell you "it takes 2 to tango". MO has his
>self-interests [and sycophants] and we have ours.

That's nice.

>He wants to maximize his
>profit, we want to maximize ours.

That's nice too.

>That Capitalism, FYI. No one is inherently
>evil in this.

That's really nice.

>MO minimizes his overhead by mostly reusing public domain
>material and making us pay for it,

That's bullshit and displays a total ignorance of the contents of my 
catalogue. The great majority of music I publish is by living composers and 
is not public domain. The reason I can afford to lose money on the few lute 
books I published in the MoLA series, is because I can make some money on a 
few popular contemporary guitar pieces, mainly by living Argentinian and 
Brazilian composers.

>  or obtaining his materials in the
>countries where a dollar goes a long way.

That's true. But the few Russian and Ukrainian composers I published, are 
more than happy to supply me with more and more of the stuff, and new ones 
keep coming out of the wood works every day. The fact of the matter is that 
I choose material for publication based on my perceived quality of the 
music, regardless of where it came from, not on the value of the dollar in 
that country. As for public domain material, I wonder if any of the 
lutenists who bought the Koenigsberg Manuscript on subscription, _before_ 
it was even published, a list of Who's Who in the lute world, including 
many prominent members of this group,  worried about the fact that at the 
time the dollar was worth 1.63 rubles in the controlled Soviet economy.

>  We buy SPES editions instead of

That's a stupid comparison. There isn't a single piece of music, for any 
instrument, that is published by both SPES and Orphee. So if you say that 
you do not buy the Swan and the Koenigsberg because it is published by 
Orphee, you shoot yourself in the foot.

>MO cannot blame lutenists for his lack of business acumen.

That's nonsense. My business acumen is not the subject here.

>  "Talk British,
>but think Yiddish" may be a recipe for success , but one would have to be
>able to talk British, and the man is so vulgar that he makes civilized
>people ears wilt.

Again, this self-congratulating oneself on being more civil that others, on 
the flimsiest pretenstions. Saying that copying books is legal, when the 
laws are clearly otherwise, is the most uncivil and crude attempt to push a 
political agenda that is only going to do damage to the discipline as a 
whole. It went down the drain before.

Matanya Ophee
Editions Orphe'e, Inc.,
1240 Clubview Blvd. N.
Columbus, OH 43235-1226
Phone: 614-846-9517
Fax:     614-846-9794

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