>> Roman
>> It matters not a jot if Matanya were the devil incarnate. We're not
>> dealing in personalities, here, but with a moral dilemma.
> Indeed. And it is essentially: "Should we listen to a lecture on Armenian
> culture by an Ottoman Turk?"
>> What this
>> gentleman is doing - in the name of musicians everywhere - is all he can to
>> make music MORE expensive. Speaking for those of us who actually purchase
>> the stuff, I do not appreciate the notion that some one are above doing that
>> very thing. 
> I disagree. 
> Firstly: 
> you and MO accused Ariel of "stealing", a venture of gratuitous idiocy, IMHO,
> and actionable as libellous.
> "Theft" just doesn't apply here.
Maybe MO has easier time with Russian than English: OTSUTSTVIE SOSTAVA
> Secondly:
> As any psychologist might tell you "it takes 2 to tango". MO has his
> self-interests [and sycophants] and we have ours. He wants to maximize his
> profit, we want to maximize ours. That Capitalism, FYI. No one is inherently
> evil in this. MO minimizes his overhead by mostly reusing public domain
> material and making us pay for it, or obtaining his materials in the countries
> where a dollar goes a long way.
Or where a promise of one goes a long way.

> We buy SPES editions instead of his, or use
> e-editions, or make copies of the same PUBLIC DOMAIN material.
> Legal, moral, natural.
> MO cannot blame lutenists for his lack of business acumen. "Talk British, but
> think Yiddish" may be a recipe for success , but one would have to be able to
> talk British, and the man is so vulgar that he makes civilized people ears
> wilt.
And vulgarity aside, MO's comments are inappropriate, inopportune and out of

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