----- Original Message ----- 
From: David Van Edwards <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Martin Shepherd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: 18 October 2003 20:45
Subject: Re: fret diameters

> Dear Martin,
> I was a bit startled by your contention that single frets are mainly 
> a modern usage and might even be a Mace invention. I can't remember 
> any such assertion in Musick's Monument and he's usually so proud of 
> what he's done. Where does he say or imply this?
Dear David,

On p.50, having described how to tie double frets:

"There is a way which I have lately try'd, and I find it much better, which is, to 
fret a lute with single strings.  My reason is, because it is not only sooner done, 
and with a shorter string; but chiefly, it does (assuredly) cause a clearer sound from 
the string stopt; which must needs be granted, if it be considered, that the string 
lying upon this only round single fret, cannot but speak clear, when as (on the 
contrary) it lying upon two (as in the double fret it does) it cannot be thought to 
speak so clear, because, that although it lye hard and close, upon the uppermost of 
the two, next the finger, yet it cannot lye so very close and hard, upon the 
undermost; so that it must needs fuzz a little, though not easily discern'd, and 
thereby, takes off something of its clearness, especially if the fret be a 

Single frets may have been used by others before him, but if so he was clearly unaware 
of it, and regarded double frets as normal.

I will study your pictures with interest!

Best wishes,


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