At 06:03 PM 12/5/2003 -0500, Roman Turovsky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Distributors and dealers get their discounts off the official "suggested
> > list price".
>MO, we are not children here,

When I see grown men drawn into silly displays of foolish indulgence in 
areas they know nothing about for the sole purpose of exacting revenge from 
one who had criticized them in that past, I wonder how mature and sincere 
these people are.

>and we know that this "suggested list price"
>is a myth designed to make palatable eventual "NICE PRICE!!! 20% OFF!!!" 

It is not a myth, but a reaction to existing anti-trust and anti 
price-fixing laws. There is nothing better the large corporations would 
have liked then the removal of competition enhancing regulations as the 
Europeans do. We little guys, are stuck in the same groove.

>Moreover, it is determined by marketing research. If the market can
>bear $100 tag: then limit your production costs to $32 or less.

Thank you for understanding the dilemma. In principle, when the product is 
a dishwasher, or a car or some other utilitarian product, or even a book of 
music one has complete control on the costs, then you are of course 
correct. In the case of the Swan manuscript this was different. I proceeded 
to publish the book, of which I personally knew nothing at all, because I 
was told by its editor that this was an important book that must be made 
available to the lute community, before it disappears in another 
spectacular fire like the one that consumed a large part of the holdings of 
the library of the St. Petersburg Akademia Nauk in 1990.

I am not a lute scholar myself, and I have to rely on the advise of my 
editors in deciding what to publish and how. Had I known what I know now, 
that the market for this particular book is insignificant, I would not have 
bothered. But once I started, the only way to limit the costs was to drop 
the project. The costs were mainly imposed on me by the library. This was 
Russia after the Putch and these people were incredibly incompetent, and 
demanding. It was a take it or leave it situation. The details of this 
sordid affair were described at great length in my posting on the How Much 
Does it Cost? thread. 1995-96 I guess. With your superior investigatory 
skills I am sure you can find it in the Archives in no time at all.

Matanya Ophee
Editions Orphe'e, Inc.,
1240 Clubview Blvd. N.
Columbus, OH 43235-1226
Phone: 614-846-9517
Fax:     614-846-9794

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