Those "ugly thirds" are problematic only in major keys, anyway.
Conversely I find meantone 10ths ugly, especially in parallel passages 

> It is a whole series of invective starting with , as I recall, L'Artusi,
> overo delle imperfettioni della moderna musica (1600).
> RT
>>> (Monteverdi was attacked by Artusi for tuning in ET).
>> Quote please! And the proof that Artusi really was speaking of ET.
>> (Remember you are now talking of my composer hero! :-)
>> (BTW, when I played theorbo in the Poppea, I set also another "tastino"
>> to my theorbo to make it possible to play a beautiful thirds in B-major
>> and c-minor chords - the fret was set so that d sharp is good, the
>> tastino was on the _other_ side of the fret, higher, for e flat. Worked
>> ery well and I did not need to suffer the ugly and horrible thirds of
>> the ET. :-)
>> Arto
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