It puzzles me too, but it came in a acoustic experiment by a friend who 
noticed that in extended passages of parralel 10ths (a lot more than in 
3rds) on a ren. lute meantone overinflections become offputting. A similar 
sutiation was reported by a different friend on a temperamentally 
programmable syntheziser.

> This puzzles me. 10ths are not very different from thirds. Meantone
> thirds are quite nice once the ear forgets about those too wide ET
> thirds. If 10ths were significantly different, we'd have very false
> octaves. E.g.: 10th c-e' sounds ugly, 3rd c'-e' sounds nice. Then the
> octave c-c' must be out of tune, which is much easier to hear than a
> not-so-perfect 3rd.
> Or am I missing something?
> g
> On 25.03.2006, at 20:40, Roman Turovsky wrote:
>> ps
>> Those "ugly thirds" are problematic only in major keys, anyway.
>> Conversely I find meantone 10ths ugly, especially in parallel passages
>> thereof.
>> RT
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