On Jan 24, 2008, at 1:48 PM, howard posner wrote:

> I'm sure there's a lot of lute music that's inconsequential enough  
> that it's not a great sin to tamper with it, but Forlorne Hope  
> isn't in that class.

God forbid that we should Tamper with it!  ;-)  Is Dowland really as  
"etched in stone" as all that?  I have a number of renditions of  
Forlorn Hope on CD:  rather bland sounding because they're played oh- 
so-correctly.  Anyway, that aside, name one composer whose music  
should sound exactly the same every time it's played.  Variety is the  
spice of life, even in the oh-so-purist lute world, right?

David R


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