On Jan 24, 2008, at 2:32 PM, howard posner wrote:

> Are you addressing moi, David?  Your remarks follow mine, but they  
> don't have much to do with them.

Oh, sorry, I thought they pertinent as well as impertinent.  At least  
they were intended to be anyway.  ;-)

> ...Karamazov's choppiness may be a way to get around the difficulty  
> by picking up his left-hand fingers early to have them ready for  
> the next contorted position, but it wreaks havoc with the  
> polyphonic lines.

Whose choppiness?  You mean that guy we were not talking  
about?  ;-)  ;-)

> ...if some conductor rewrote the end of Beethoven's Fifth so that  
> it ends in C minor instead of C major, he'd get laughed out of the  
> business for thinking he knows better than Beethoven how the music  
> should go, and it would have nothing to do with HIP purism.

No he wouldn't.  You know how conductors tamper with the pieces they  
conduct.  I don't know much about conducting the end of the 5th, but  
HIP purism has wrought havoc among conductors arguing about the  
beginning of it,  Anyway, the last movement ends on a single note.   
Actually, it might not sound bad at all as a minor third...

David R


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