Obviously using you're performance as practice material for the next
   Bulwer-Lytton  Fiction Contest.

       "There is a choking quality of nocturnal obscuration in this
        which suits you and this hopefully-painfully numbly depressive
        declamation of exquisite emptiness.
        The wood in the sound engulfs the throat and presses the forehead
     in a

        clutching gentility to highlight your very focused phrasing."

   - or maybe it's only a really bad Absinthe hangover. But
   congratulations, anyway!

   Bulwer-Lytton Fiction Contest

   2008 Results

   Winner: Purple Prose

   The mongrel dog began to lick her cheek voraciously with his sopping
   wet tongue, so wide and flat and soft, a miniature pink fleshy cape
   soaked through and oozing with liquid salivary gratitude; after all,
   she had rescued him from the clutches of Bernard, the curmudgeonly
   one-eyed dogcatcher, whose own tongue -- she remembered vividly the
   tongues of all her lovers -- was coarse and lethargic, like a slug in a
   sandpaper trenchcoat.


   The complementary crepuscularities of earth and sky shrank away from
   one another as the roseate effulgence of a new dawn burst forth, not
   unlike a reclining pneumatic beauty's black silk stocking splitting
   apart at the seam to reveal the glowing radiance of an angrily
   sun-burned leg.

   Dishonorable Mention:

   The pancake batter looked almost perfect, like the morning sun shining
   on the cream-colored bare shoulder of a gorgeous young blonde driving
   30 miles over the speed limit down a rural Nebraska highway with the
   rental car's sunroof open, except it had a few lumps.

   Winner: Adventure

   Leopold looked up at the arrow piercing the skin of the dirigible with
   a sort of wondrous dismay -- the wheezy shriek was just the sort of
   sound he always imagined a baby moose being beaten with a pair of
   accordions might make.



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