On Jun 1, 2009, at 9:15 AM, <chriswi...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> Composer/organist Max Reger had the best response to a bad review when
>    he wrote to his reviewer: "I am sitting in the smallest room of my
>    house. I have your review before me. In a moment it will be  
> behind me."

Reger was actually paraphrasing Voltaire:  “Dear Sir, I am seated in  
the smallest room in the house. Your letter is before me. Soon it  
will be behind me.” Reger was hardly capable of such pithiness."

Nonetheless, this is the only famous thing Reger ever wrote, far  
outstripping any of his music.  It even conveyed a bit of immortality  
on Rudolf Louis, the critic, without actually disputing anything he  

Quick show of hands: can anyone remember ever hearing Reger's  
Sinfonietta, which was the work Louis had panned?  Let's not all  
speak up at once...


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