Ed brings up a very good point.

   If your ears have grown accustomed to one lute, and you were never
   crazy about it's

   tone to begin with, if you record it, are you going to bring out it's
   best game?

   I have played music since age 7 and can tell you that I have had loads
   of guitars sometimes at once,

   so I was always switching, and I now know I was swapping out because my
   ears were getting tired of the

   same sound all the time. AI have 1 lute, and try to coax the best sound
   I can out of it for obvious reasons...

   Maybe David can tell us on how to record our lutes, maybe cheaply, if
   for nothing else than to

   hear how we actually sound.

   > Date: Mon, 16 Nov 2009 07:44:50 -0600
   > To: vidan...@sbcglobal.net; lute@cs.dartmouth.edu
   > From: e...@gamutstrings.com
   > Subject: [LUTE] Re: lute tasting, was Greenwich festival
   > David,
   > Do you change lutes often? You are correct, in that many
   > professional players do so.
   > I have hung on to most of my instruments, as there are no perfect
   > instruments, or perfect players. Ubkess there are serious issues
   > with a particular lute, I tend to try to coax the best out of my
   > instrument. I suspect that after a period of time, many players hear
   > something in another lute, or they discover a minor undesirable
   > factor in one they have, and they move on.
   > At 03:28 AM 11/16/2009, David Tayler wrote:
   > >Funny how so many professionals change their lutes so often (there
   > >are some notable exceptions)
   > >I wonder how much of that is a recent recording experience, and the
   > >lute is changed after the recording instead of before it.
   > >I mean, if the pros can't pick a winner, what chance do we have? And
   > >if advice were the important factor, who advised them?
   > Edward Martin
   > 2817 East 2nd Street
   > Duluth, Minnesota 55812
   > e-mail: e...@gamutstrings.com
   > voice: (218) 728-1202
   > http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1660298871&ref=name
   > http://www.myspace.com/edslute
   > To get on or off this list see list information at
   > http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~wbc/lute-admin/index.html

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