Dear Dmitry

I'm afraid I shall have to differ on this point. Such a speculation implies a 
number of uncertain variables that makes it, in my opinion, untenable. Milan 
showed himself a competent composer in his other songs: I see no reason to 
brush this fact aside and look elsewhere.

Best wishes

 On Thursday, 2 January 2020, 19:18:06 GMT-6, Dmitry Medvedev 
<> wrote:

 Dear Antonio,

I was also thinking of some musical similarities between Verdelot's
madrigal "Madonna per voi ardo" and Milan's piece. They are admittedly
too vague to suggest that Milan directly used it as a model, but perhaps
as a starting point, or there was some other version of the song that
they both heard. But I think they are enough to at least speculate that
he had some existing Italian setting in mind when composing his own.


On 1/2/2020 7:48 PM, Antonio Corona wrote:
> Dear Dmitry
> You have a point there: as a matter of fact Milan did set to music poetry by 
> Petrarch and Sannazaro, but to his music.
> Cheers
> Antonio
>  On Thursday, 2 January 2020, 14:24:08 GMT-6, Dmitry Medvedev 
><> wrote:
>  Ah, sorry, should have read more carefully about sonadas :)
> On 1/2/2020 2:51 PM, Dmitry Medvedev wrote:
>> Fair enough, but should we then assume that, for example, "Madonna per
>> voi ardo", both text and music, were written by Luis Milan?
>> Cheers,
>> Dmitry
>> On 1/2/2020 1:48 PM, Antonio Corona wrote:
>>> You would do well not to assume that I would state something without
>>> basis.
>>> About authorship:
>>> Libro de musica de vihuela de mano. Intitulado El Maestro [...]
>>> Compuesto por don Luys Milan. [...] Y siguiendo mi inclinacion / he
>>> me hallado vn libro hecho de muchas obras: que de la vihuela tenia
>>> sacadas y escritas [...] si yo solo tuuiese este libro perderia su
>>> valor: pues el dexaria e hazer el prouecho que puede: Y si el me
>>> tuuiese para que ninguno pudiesse gozar del/p[er]deria yo el mio/pues
>>> seria ingrato a quien me dio saber para hazerlo. [...] El qual [i.e.
>>> Milán] muy affectdamente ruega a toso los que por su libro passaran
>>> que no juzguen sus obras hasta que sean tañidas como cada vno querria
>>> que sus obras lo fuessen: y tañidas en su perficion.
>>> About the meaning of "componer":
>>> Estas seys fantasias que se siguen como arriba hos dixe parescen en
>>> su ayre y compostura a las mesmas pauanas que en Ytalia se tañen: y
>>> oues en todo remedan a ellas digamos les pauanas. las quatro primeras
>>> son inuentadas por mi. las dos que se despues se siguen la sonada
>>> dellas se hizo en Ytalia: y la compostura sobre la sonada dellas es mia.
>>> About the villancicos:
>>> Este que agora se sigue es el otauo quaderno de musica para cantar y
>>> tañer [...] En el qual hallareys villancicos y sonadas en castellano
>>> y en portugues y en ytaliano. [i.e. not Portuguese or Italian
>>> villancicos].
>>> Finalmente haueys hallado musica para cantar y tañer en castellano y
>>> en portugues /y en ytaliano.
>>> Esta musica que agora se sigue son villancicos en castellano y
>>> portugues y sonetos en ytaliano.
>>> Aqui empieçan los villancicos en portugues: y este que se sigue segun
>>> esta sonado el cantor pude hazer garganta.
>>> Furthermore, you would find it enlightening to read  El cortesano
>>> (1561) by Milan himself, where he displays openly his proclivity for
>>> singing and playing his own works and not  those of somebody else, as
>>> well as the poetic interchanges between the vihuelist and Juan
>>> Fernández de Heredia in Las obras de don Ioan Fernandez de Heredia,
>>> assi temporales como espirituales (1562).
>>>    On Thursday, 2 January 2020, 06:14:39 GMT-6, Tristan von Neumann
>>> <> wrote:
>>>    Says he himself? Or what is the reason for this assumption?
>>> :)
>>> On 02.01.20 13:03, Antonio Corona wrote:
>>>> All the music in El Maestro is by Milán
>>>> Cheers
>>>>     On Thursday, 2 January 2020, 05:54:12 GMT-6, Tristan von Neumann
>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>     Are you sure?
>>>> Aren't those just Milan's versions of the villancicos?
>>>> Happy New Year,
>>>> T*
>>>> On 02.01.20 11:21, Antonio Corona wrote:
>>>>> Not quite: they are villancicos in Portuguese by Milan himself.
>>>>> Happy New Year to all,
>>>>> Antonio
>>>>>       On Wednesday, 1 January 2020, 00:52:50 GMT-6, Frank A.
>>>>> Gerbode, M.D. <> wrote:
>>>>>         Luis Milan El Maestro has 3 Portuguese villancicos, #s 34 to 37
>>>>>         [1]here.
>>>>>         --Sarge
>>>>> --
>>>>> Frank A. Gerbode, M.D. ([2]
>>>>> 11132 Dell Ave
>>>>> Forestville, CA 95436-9491
>>>>> Home phone:  707-820-1759
>>>>> Website:  [3]
>>>>> "The map may not be the territory, but it's all we've got."
>>>>>         --
>>>>> References
>>>>>         1.
>>>>>         2.
>>>>>         3.
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