On Fre, 29 Jan 1999 Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
>>>>>> "Fred" == Fred Hucht <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>Fred> In my opinion, it might go into the paragraph dialog like
>Fred> newline, eg. as "Start of Appendix [ ]".
>Except that there can be only *one* start for the whole document. So
>the interface at the Layout->Paragraph level is not intuitive...

So why not make it an single entry in the layout menu, like 
- ...
- ...
- ...
- ...
- Start Appendix ?
-  ...

  Jochen K"upper

  Heinrich-Heine-Universit"at D"usseldorf   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Institut f"ur Physikalische Chemie I
  Universit"atsstr. 1, Geb 26.43 Raum 02.29    phone ++49-211-8113681
  40225 D"usseldorf                            fax   ++49-211-8115195
  Germany             http://www-public.rz.uni-duesseldorf.de/~jochen

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