Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
> >>>>> "Kevin" == Kevin Atkinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Kevin> Hi.  There I was wondering if you are still interested in using
> Kevin> Aspell ( as the new LyX
> Kevin> 1.1 spell checker.  I would be willing to help you out if you
> Kevin> would point me in the right direction.
> It could be nice as long as it is optional (IMO). I guess we should
> have a generic spellchecker interface that is plugged at compile time
> to either ispell, aspell (library version, I guess) or KSpell (for
> klyx). However, I think we have to keep the support for plain old
> ispell.

KSpell is just a fancy interfact to ispell.  If Lyx will have its own
spell checker interfacte why use KSpell.

Some of the fancy things you will soon be able to do in aspell that you
can't do (or will be very difficult to do) in ispell.  

1) Have a diffrent "ignore all" word list for each document so that you
won't keep aving to press ignore for special words you are not willing
to insert into you personal dictiionares.

2) Skip over url's, host names, and email addresses.

3) Intellegenly spell check code and mathematics (aspell will figure out
which words are variable names and skip over them.  See the mailing list
archive for how I plan on doing this)

4) Learn from users misspellings

5) Finally a much better suggestion strategy.

Your current code will allow aspell to do #5 correctly. 

I have submitted code for #4 however it has a few problems.

Aspell can't do #2 because you insist on sending things one word at a
time which breaks up url's and the like.  

Being able to do #3 will require a prescan of the document with all the
symbols in tack and with out any sort of artificially breaking up of the
text like you currently do.  

And #1 will requore you store word lists with the document.

So basically in order to support Aspell in the fullest your current
spell checker code will require a major rewrite.

> Kevin> Early feed back on what sort of things you are looking for
> Kevin> would be more than appreciated.
> I don't really know. Maybe Asger has more ideas. There were some nifty
> ideas later a bout a new user interface, but I do not know what
> happened to it.
> Kevin> PS: Could some one subscribe me to this list.  I can't find any
> Kevin> subscription information on your web page.
> I think it is better that you do it yourself:

Oops ;)  A link of the developers page would be really nice.
Kevin Atkinson

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