"Asger K. Alstrup Nielsen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

| > Are we going to use this?
| > 
| > -               if (!isalnum(name[i]) && name[i] != '.')
| > +               if (!isalnum(name[i]) && name[i] != '.'
| > +                       && name[i] != '-' && name[i] != '+' name[i] != '=' )

One question though, why can't we use the functions from ctype.h to
determin if this is a good char or not?

We requiere for all chars c that
 - isspace(c) == false
 - iscntrl(c) == false
 - isascii(c) == true
Does isgraph include control chars?

I know that there are some chars in addition to this that is not
allowed on certain filesystems. ('/' on unix) 

I to me &= 0x7f does not really show that we want to move from 8bit to
7bit...especially when this is done by just removing the 8th bit.

F.eks. in latin1 å -> a would be a good translation, same with æ ->
'a' (better æ -> "ae") 

This would not be a problem if this was only used internally in LyX
(in the tmp dir), but it is not. This is vislible to users when they

Should we perhaps don't do the translation when exporting?

I agree with Asger, efficiency in this func is not important at all.
Clear and obvious code is.


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