Allan Rae wrote:

> On Wed, 1 Dec 1999, Seak, Teng-Fong wrote:
> > "Kayvan A. Sylvan" wrote:
> > > Seak, Teng-Fong wrote:
> > > >      While we're here, allow me to suggest that LyX icon file be
> > > > installed too.  In rpm packages, which are destinated for Linux, icon
> > > > file can be put in /usr/share/icons which is the system-wide icon
> > > > directory for KDE.  I seldom use Gnome but I think its icon directory is
> > > > /usr/share/pixmaps
> > >
> > > These are already installed in /usr/share/lyx/images
> >
> >      I know that it's installed there, but that's different from having them
> > installed directly in those locations.  Or maybe it should be written somewhere
> > that the icon file can be found in /usr/share/lyx/images.  Suppose you're a new LyX
> > user (or system administrator).  You have just installed LyX.  Then you want to
> > create short-cut for LyX (especially necessary for an administrator than a single
> > user).  If the icon file isn't installed in standard place
> .............................................^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> The trouble is there is no standard place except perhaps embedded in the
> executable or stored in the applications directory tree.
> As you've already said KDE, CDE and Gnome all put icons in different
> places.  The Linux Standard Base project is still argueing about where
> icons should be put -- and that'd only solve things for Linux where would
> we put icons on Solaris, Digital Unix, Windows etc.?

     Well, you cut my sentence at the middle...... that's why you understood it
differently.  By "standard", I never meant "universal".  "standard" is relative to a
particular WM or Environment (that I wrote later in that message).  When it's CDE, I
think the location is the same across platforms (that's why I asked somebody else to
confirm it, but nobody did).  For Solaris (Open window), the location is also fixed.
For windows, I don't know, but IMO the best place to put the icon is the directory 
the executable is found.

> If a system admin wants to install LyX from an rpm they can always use:
>         rpm -ql lyx
> once they've installed to see where everything went.  Or if they are
> compiling from source the icon is equally easy to find.

     Sure, an admin can _always_ do that, provided he _knows_ how to do that.  "rpm -ql
something" is a very simple command, but how can one know what options to use is 
story.  We have to admit that manpage is not easy to read, esp for new users.  Since
we're talking about rpm, the context is in Linux.  In Linux, a system admin is also the
user.  So an admin can very well be an inexperienced admin.  So we shouldn't expect
every admin in Linux is an expert.  A question is always asked in Linux community: how
much is a new user (or novice admin) is supposed to know?  There's no exact answer to
this question, but one thing is sure, there're users who like to know every details, 
there're also users who just like to start using right away without having to know too
much hacking.

     Maybe at least we've to write somewhere in some file like Readme where one can 
the icon file.  Anyway, if you still think there's no need to do so, forget about it.


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