Asger Ottar Alstrup wrote:
Abdelrazak Younes wrote:
No, I was interested in the details of QLPainter::text(), especially the QPainter::drawText(). This info was not there. It is in your newer screenshot.

This profile matches what I found on Windows.

If we manage to speed-up Qt drawing operation, we will win. I can't imagine that there is nothing we can't do. There must be some Qt settings.

As I said before, I believe the best is to draw less. There is absolutely no need for redrawing the entire screen on every key press.

I just added a debug statement to QLPainter.C:

        if (isDrawingEnabled()) {
lyxerr << "draw " << std::string(str.toUtf8()) << " at " << x << "," << y << std::endl;
            drawText(x, y, str);

You should try this. On every cursor blink, we redraw the entire screen.

I've suspected that indeed.

This might be a result of André's reorganisation of how we paint, or it may be an old bug. In any case, it is very wasteful.

I guess it is because we use to paint only per paragraph (or even line IIRC).

Also for the cursor, we used to repaint only the square around the pixel.

If I disable cursor blinking by adding a return in WorkArea::showCursor, the result is that we redraw exactly once per key press.

So the conclusion is that
- showCursor causes an unnecessary full refresh

This must be fixed.

- drawing text is slow, so draw less text

This will wait 1.6. Too much work to go down the word level.

Thanks Asger,

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