Konrad Hofbauer wrote:
> Pavel Sanda wrote:
>> just to give some feedback the file/document distinction to me as a user 
>> is
>> quite clear 
> Can you please (honestly) explain this distinction to me (or define)?
> I feel like I am missing something here ...

i will try.
when i go to the file, i'm usually looking for something which has something

a) to do with files generally (ie it does not have anything to do with this
   in file particular. for example open another file.)

b) or has something to do with this file - but it concerns its handling not
   its content - thats why i feel e.g. reversion or version control is ok in
   file menu, while properties would be lost in this menu.

>> i hope it won't heat the discussion too much, but the holy-hig-bible 
>> position
>> seems to me as a fraud, because once you start interpret any text, you
>> will get whatsoever you want. 
> But this is not what is happening! Nobody else has ever written something  
> along the lines of "... but I would interpret the HIG such that ...". 
> Unfortunately.

my thought was "fortunately" :)

>> the only change is that before you could
>> honestly say "i don't like document menu" now you cover it behind some 
>> sophisticated arguments.
> I really try to avoid any like/dislike - it is always subjective.

i tried to say that our subjectivity is ok. if 90% of us say we dont
like something which hig propose, then its bad luck for hig, not for us.

> My 
> initial long reply to Edwin's email was the result of having his proposal 
> running, and going line-by-line through the HIG and trying to follow the 
> HIG as close as possible.

if the new file menu is the result of hig, then i probably start abuse hig
itself :D

> That there was nothing left for the  
> Document-menu was a pure result of that process. Believe it or not, I have 
> not thought about the Document menu even a single second, beforehand. I do 
> not think I am hiding behind false arguments here.

i got that feeling because firstly you said we should stick to hig and puting
our personal preferences aside and few mails after just read the some sentence
like "i don't like the document menu"... now rereading it again it seems to be
a bit different issue, you dislike document because it violates hig :) 
my mistake.

> Wondering about your offend,
> /Konrad
> P.S. On accusing me of fraud / cover up:

sorry for such a strong words :( , it was not my intention to accuse anybody of
anything and turn the thread into personal exchange; i wanted to accuse the
"objective disputation based on holy-hig" methodology as such, since i don't
believe that things with likes / dislikes (e.g. menu) can be discussed this
way. maybe just projecting my own psychology here...

> Have you really worked through
> <http://permalink.gmane.org/gmane.editors.lyx.devel/110921>
> to be able to say so ???

no i havent worked as hard as you on this matter - only quickly read all the
messages. its quite possible i just messed things up. i will try to keep my
mouth more gentle next time :)


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