On 28/03/2009 20:24, Christian Ridderström wrote:
On Sat, 28 Mar 2009, Abdelrazak Younes wrote:

 And once upon a time it bought us aussie.

Well, all these details are in your memories, not a very transparent process :-) Not that I care much really but I am trying personally to do things as transparently as possible.

It's not easy doing things transparently. I for instance, haven't got a clue about how you deal with the paypal stuff.

Hum, well, when I receive money, I update the page. I can publish the paypal logs somewhere I guess but that has to be private to the LyX developers as you told me that I shouldn't publicize who's given what ;-) I can also give my PayPal password to some of you but as this contains my credit card information, I obviously cannot give that information to everybody :-) At the end everything is about trust. I trust Lars with his management of the LyX paypal account but I would like to know what is the balance, maybe every month or so. Could you do that please Lars?

I'm definitely not blaming you for that, just saying it's difficult to spread that kind of information. Especially as you at the same time want to keep it confidential who contributed how much and so forth. Heck, I guess we don't even know the legal status of 'LyX'! What is it?

There's nothing like a legal status of LyX.
I think a great contribution for a company would be to manage paypal accounts, legal registration of an LyX association somewhere in France, Germany or whatever. This paypal management is taking maybe half an hour each week, nothing major but when we get a lot more contribution I can't do that all by myself. That's why I would like developers to be proactive and to publish some projects on their own using their own paypal account.


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