>> 4. we need two HTML output formats to distinguich between tex4ht and eLyXer
>> -> I have implemented this now as "html2"
> this was already done with my previous code and the ui was not poluted
> by html2 entry when somebody didn't have elyxer installed.

No it was not. What you did was detecting eLyXer but this is not necessary when it is integrated. The detection even not worked (at least on Windows) because you have to search for elyxer.py not an executable. You also haven't introduced the html2 format, not having set a converter. So why do you revert my change? I hate Ping Pong.

> to make test on manuals is pointless since elyxer was tested on them
> by default i guess, so no surprise it works.

When I started with eLyXer only the Intro manual worked. Alex worked hard to implement the missing parts. He released every weekend a new version making the program more an more complete.

>> Even if eLyXer (lyx2html) might not be ready for LyX 2.0 we can disable it
>> by commenting out 2 lines in configure.py.
> i dont understand why you dont discuss such things in thread in which it
> belongs to.

The other thread became a discussion about the completeness of eLyXer while this is not important for its inclusion and in the other thread Abdel, JMarc, Jürgen and others already agreed to an inclusion.

//friday begins...

> for the administrative part, you are again committing without a single 
> code (which needs the discussion).

Hmm, there was a discussion with the result that we should include it. When I came home I found your change to configure.py, that was not discussed btw.. There you introduced a bug so I at least fixed this. What's the problem? You now reverted my change leading to the same problem as before which is no step forward.

> i have asked you numerous times whether you can settle on the simple policy 
> asking before committing, but when you ignore it and request for reverting
> leads usually to the void, i will revert it myself.

Then please also do this and don't introduce code that doesn't do what it 
OK, enough no smile's day stuff.

regards Uwe

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