>> No it was not. What you did was detecting eLyXer but this is not necessary
>> when it is integrated.
> which we haven't agreed upon

Am I blind?:

>> The detection even not worked (at least on Windows)
>> because you have to search for elyxer.py not an executable.
> this we can fix (worked here without problems). it seems however that the fix
> should be done in elyxer package. looks strange we should use elyxer.py when
> the package distributes elyxer binary (Alex?).

There is no binary for Windows and Mac, while the Python file works on all 

>> You also haven't introduced the html2 format, not having set a converter.
> yes i introduced both new format and converter.

You introduced a format called "elyxhtml" while the real format is "html" (the aim of eLyXer is to creat valid html code following the html standards). You converter is
'\converter lyx elyxhtml "%%" ""'
Calling eLyXer as executable not as Python file.
So what I did was to correct this to make it again work on Windows and 
hopefully also on Mac.

>> So why do you revert my change?  I hate Ping Pong.
> so we have two haters today :)
> but please note that you started it by reverting my code without a single
> question. it drives me crazy to spent hours by discussing this issue on list
> and then get it reverted without any fuss.

OK, I thought it was just an oversight from you since you haven't marked Alex's bug report as fixedintrunk after your change and due to the problems I now mentioned. I apologize.

>> The other thread became a discussion about the completeness of eLyXer while
>> this is not important for its inclusion and in the other thread Abdel,
>> JMarc, Jürgen and others already agreed to an inclusion.
> could you show me those messages pretty please?

See above in this mail.

> except Abdel i don't remember
> any other clear statement about proper inclusion now. JMarc wanted to have
> lyx2lyx
> integration, Juergen also wanted the integration with eg lyx2lyx, but havent
> said anything about the inclusion into our sources. so where you get this 

I don't understand the concerns. Why can the code not be in our SVN, that makes it so much easier to work on eLyXer (lyx2html) to get the lyx2lyx integration we need? My experience that having the code in SVN helps a lot, take for example the EmbeddedObjects manual or the csv2lyx script. After they were integrated to SVN people started testing them hard, sending patches or proposals - and that's the way it should work. And in case something goes wrong, the code can disabled easily or even kicked out.

> in the begining i thought myself we can do it, but started to change my mind
> after Richard's argumentation, which brought the whole thread into the new
> light - it may even happen that we will have completely different html output
> strategy.
> moreover Richard and later even me checked the output on yet untested 
> and brought the questions mainly about math support, which was insufficient.
> i can't accept the claim that elyxer is in a better state than the other
> converters (yet).

My problem with the discussion in this thread is that it focuses on the current state of eLyXer. But why is that important? eLyXer is not yet ready for branch of course, but lets integrate it in trunk and make it better. Before we release LyX 2.0 we can decide if eLyXer is ready to be shipped together with LyX 2.0 or we disable it by changing a few lines in configure.py.

>> Hmm, there was a discussion with the result that we should include it. When
>> I came home I found your change to configure.py, that was not discussed
>> btw..
> your lying turns me into red.

What? It was very late yesterday due to two deadlines I had. When I came home I checked out the sources, had a quick look at http://www.mail-archive.com/lyx-devel@lists.lyx.org/maillist.html, found nothing and quickly corrected what I thought was a bug. (OK http://www.mail-archive.com sometimes has a delay of several hours.) (I integrated eLyXer to configure.py in my SVN for several weeks now with success, so after your unexpected change I send the version that I verified to be working.)

> yes i did it
> http://www.mail-archive.com/lyx-devel@lists.lyx.org/msg150521.html

I missed this part of the thread.

>> and don't introduce code that doesn't do what it should.
> nonsense. i checked it works here, asked for review and its quite normal that
> we have to tweak things on other archs, when it doesn't work.

See above.

And now let's return to normal LyX work and I definitively need some sleep now.

regards Uwe

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