I vote also for inclusion. == C++ or Python ==
eLyXer code is easy to understand even for hobbyist programmers like me. Hacking exporting is something that could be done by power users or beginner developers. Embedding it in the C++ maze of LyX code would make it easier for Abdel and the core developper team but harder for everybody else. == LyX layouts or Python == Having the translation pair inside the layouts looks like a nice idea but it would, I think, limit converters to very simple one. It is easy to convert from \emph{} to <i> </i> but much harder for structure like tables or crossreferences where the logic between LyX and the target language is different. Converting from one format to another is certainly more complex than search and replace. But I agree with Richard, that for custom layouts having a possibility to add conversion information would be nice. == Math == I think that perfect math translation in HTML / MathML cannnot be a showstopper. Do you wan't really to convert a complex math document to an HTML page ? Few browsers (basically only Firefox) can read MathML. The client must have a good math font on his computer to render the math symbols. ELyXer could also use LaTeXMathML (http://math.etsu/edu/LaTeXMathML) a javascript macro that convert on the fly LaTeX formulas to MathML code. MathML conversion routine can be later added step by step in ELyXer. There is nothing in the code that prevents it. == BibTeX == BibTeX is very hard because of the many bst files, gigantic number of options in natbib, biblatex... Most LaTeX -> HTML converter have very limited bibtex conversion, generally Plain and the style that the converter author is using. The only elegant solution is to extract the formatted reference from the pdf and translate it in HTML code. It is not impossible to do. The new synctex framework (included with the latest pdflatex and xelatex) spits a table that maps the lines of the pdf file and the latex file. Using the synctex information and some intelligent text search, you can get the result in the pdf file of \cite{Blabla} and then convert it to html code. Much simpler than creating in LyX code a C++ parser of bbl and aux files... plus extra code for biblatex that does not work the same way ... plus extra code for the ibid., op. cit. mechanisms... == Maintainability === What would be nice is to have a testing suite for elyxer. If the LyX format change, some tests will fail and it would be easy to correct elyxer. If LyX goes XML, we will enter in a Golden Age where miraculous XSLT will transform water to wine, LyX XML to ODF and we will validate all the time all our files ;-) Cheers, Charles