On Tue, Nov 03, 2015 at 01:05:58AM +0000, Guillaume Munch wrote:

> >Looking at what other programs do in similar (but slightly different)
> >situations:
> >
> >evince and firefox both have:
> >Open Containing Folder
> >
> >fslint has:
> >Open Folder
> >
> >filelight has:
> >Open File Manager Here
> >
> >chromium has:
> >Show in folder
> >
> >As for my personal preference, I might like "Open temporary dir" or
> >"Open temp dir" because it might be nice to emphasize that the directory
> >is temporary (e.g. it might be deleted soon!). Also that is how we refer
> >to it technically so if there are any user questions about "the
> >temporary" directory we will understand exactly which directory is being
> >referred to, as opposed to "I opened the directory, but...". I suppose
> >there is room for confusion though, since technically the temporary
> >directory is actually the parent folder of the lyx_tmpbuf0 directory. In
> >summary, I don't have a strong preference.
> Ok. My preference is for "Open Containing Directory" which I find more
> intuitive. It is still more specific than "the directory" so it has some of
> the advantages that you mention. Also, the path already makes it clear that
> it is not part of the user's personal files.

Makes sense. Your preference is also the closest to the most common one
of the programs I found (evince and firefox).


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