Le 02/11/2015 18:38, Guillaume Munch a écrit :
Le 28/10/2015 16:39, Ilan a écrit :
Thanks David and Stephan.

My problem is that I'm working on a multi-file project so under the tmp
directory there are several directories and the location of the Latex
depends on the file I compiled (and of course the tmp directory has a
name each time under windows).

What I used to do until few months ago is opening the Latex log, and
there I
saw the full path to the compiled file, so I could copy it to a Latex
After some updates to Lyx & Latex, I see in the log only the file name
the path.

I can (and this is what I do) to find the current tmp directory and then
searching for all the Latex files to find the right one by its name.
I hoped there is an option to return to the previous state of easily
the directory with a click.

(from <http://www.lyx.org/trac/ticket/9834>)

Dear List,

(continuing on lyx-devel)

Here's a proof-of-concept patch to add an “Open directory…” button to
the log dialog. I did it very quickly which is why I only call it
“proof-of-concept”. If we want to commit this then at least somebody
with better QtDesigner skills should add the button to the interface in
a more proper way.

I, too, used to spend too much time finding the proper lyxtmpdir (for
various reasons ranging from debugging the latex output using
divide-and-conquer when LyX's debugging facility was unsufficient, to
debugging instant preview). And I think it's not too bad to expose the
LyX internals in this way.

What do you think?

Pushed at f441590c. Windows/OSX users, please report if it does not work.

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