Le 03/11/2015 08:59, Stephan Witt a écrit :
Am 03.11.2015 um 04:58 schrieb Guillaume Munch <g...@lyx.org

Le 02/11/2015 18:38, Guillaume Munch a écrit :
Le 28/10/2015 16:39, Ilan a écrit :
Thanks David and Stephan.

My problem is that I'm working on a multi-file project so under the tmp
directory there are several directories and the location of the Latex
depends on the file I compiled (and of course the tmp directory has a
name each time under windows).

What I used to do until few months ago is opening the Latex log, and
there I
saw the full path to the compiled file, so I could copy it to a Latex
After some updates to Lyx & Latex, I see in the log only the file name
the path.

I can (and this is what I do) to find the current tmp directory and then
searching for all the Latex files to find the right one by its name.
I hoped there is an option to return to the previous state of easily
the directory with a click.

(from <http://www.lyx.org/trac/ticket/9834>)

Dear List,

(continuing on lyx-devel)

Here's a proof-of-concept patch to add an “Open directory…” button to
the log dialog. I did it very quickly which is why I only call it
“proof-of-concept”. If we want to commit this then at least somebody
with better QtDesigner skills should add the button to the interface in
a more proper way.

I, too, used to spend too much time finding the proper lyxtmpdir (for
various reasons ranging from debugging the latex output using
divide-and-conquer when LyX's debugging facility was unsufficient, to
debugging instant preview). And I think it's not too bad to expose the
LyX internals in this way.

What do you think?

Pushed at f441590c. Windows/OSX users, please report if it does not work.

It works for me on OSX. Although I'd expect user questions regarding the
attached error message on exit of LyX:
"Cannot remove temporary directory…" or similar…

Do you mean that the patch now causes this error message? Under which
circumstances precisely? Is it that if the directory is open in the
finder, then LyX cannot remove the directory? (Under Linux, Nautilus's
behaviour is to move to the parent directory if the current directory is

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