Am 15.01.2016 um 22:39 schrieb Georg Baum:
Peter Kümmel wrote:

I also don't see a problem to build from a clean git repository.
Only thing I would ensure is to "sit" on tagged release.

I agree that building from a clean git directory is not a problem concerning
the resulting build or reproducibility.

There is however one difference between building from a git tag and from the
corresponding source tar ball (which is not the main topic of this thread):
If you build from git you do not check that the tar ball is complete. In
theory, completeness of the tar ball is checked by "make distcheck", but it
does not take files into account that are only needed for windows (e.g. it
would not find whether a file from 3rdparty is missing).

I assume the tar could only be complete for an installation on Linux.

For Windows Uwe uploaded a ~200 MB zip needed to build the Windows installer, these files we will never pack into the tar.

On Windows it would only be possible to build a correct LyX binary with all the docs/translations (which I hope is already done by the build bot) or the recently added mingw.bat script.


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