Am 18. Januar 2016 00:56:50 MEZ, schrieb "Uwe Stöhr" <>:
>Am 15.01.2016 um 22:33 schrieb Georg Baum:
>> Indirectly (via the MSVC project files .sln and .vcxproj) yes. In
>> to do so, cmake does run lots of tests. These tests are partly
>> implemented in the cmake installation, and partly in the LyX sources
>> (development/cmake). The results of these tests are cached. If you
>> re-use an existing cmake cache to build LyX from different sources,
>> the contents of the MSVC project files (and therefore the resulting
>> build) depends on the history of your previous cmake calls, and
>> something was changed in development/cmake in the meantime. If you
>> ensure that no cached information is re-used then the build is
>> reprodcible (but you would need to specify the 40 paths again withj
>> current way of calling cmake).
>OK, now with Qt 5 there are only 6 Qt paths to be specified. But I
>that this can still be reduced to one, since all Qt installations on 
>Windows have the same structure. So it should be sufficient to specify 
>only the path to the qmake.exe and then CMake has enough info to find 
>the rest.
>Peter, could you perhaps do this like you did for the mingw build?
>To please Georg, I will build in future LyX by compiling the source 
>files in a separate folder.
>regards Uwe

Do you mean you have to specify the Qt pathes in the installer script? Where 
you list the Dll which needs to be copied from c:\Qt into the installer? Then 
your are right, this must be done manually for a msvc build. Only when building 
with mingw all needed dlls are copied automatically into the bin dir.

But again, to build only absolute no Qt pathes should be adjusted anywhere. 

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