Am 15.01.2016 um 22:33 schrieb Georg Baum:

And these problems do exist. The 2.2 alpha is not the first windows
binary that turned out to be built from different sources than
originally thought ( I remember a
similar issue from several years ago, might be 1.6 or 2.0. This type of
mistakes (which can cost lots of hours or even days of wasted time for
several people) is easy to make with your current approach. It is very
difficult to make with my proposal.

Reading this I would say we should not release any installer with a LyX version build with msvc.

Uwe have you the time to build a installer with a mingw build?

If not maybe someone else finds the time, building native on Windows has become much simpler for Linux users:

Windows 10 .iso files are now available and it is easy to install it in a virtual box. No Windows keys are needed while installing and all works without any "key activation".

I am willing to help you to get a reproducible, clean build. I am not
willing to waste my time investigating bugs that are caused by
inconsistently built binaries.


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