Am 18. Januar 2016 09:33:17 MEZ, schrieb "Uwe Stöhr" <>:
>  Original Message  
>From: Peter Kümmel
>Sent: Montag, 18. Januar 2016 03:49
>To: Uwe Stöhr; Scott Kostyshak; LyX Developers
>Subject: Re: Beta hopefully soon, only waiting on Windows installer(s)
>Am 18. Januar 2016 01:24:38 MEZ, schrieb "Uwe Stöhr"
>>Am 17.01.2016 um 03:22 schrieb Peter Kümmel:
>>> I would release the beta with the available Windows installer, but
>>would also mention, that because of men power this time on Windows
>>there will be nothing better that beta quality.
>>> In the announcement you could mention that we are busy improving
>>this, but that at the moment no Windows developer has the time to
>>create a reliable installer and that we are very interested in someone
>>who wanna help out.
>>But what is going on here? I reported that i am ready for beta1. I
>>presented you an installer.
>>And to repeat myself, building the installer was never a problem, 
>>building LyX with Qt 5 was the problem.
>But there must be no problem in building with Qt5. And if you report
>problems about cmake could not find Qt5 something is fishy on your
>Damn no, I did not report this. I can compile Lyx with Qt 5.5.1 with
>MSVC 2010, but not with MSVC 2012 Or newer.
>CMake could and can find Qt, I only need to specify some Qt paths. I
>think that specifying only one should be sufficient too.‎
>That your script doesn't work is another issue. As I wrote I could
>compile with the script before you changed it.
> > And nobody had an idea what you are doing when creating the
>I wrote you an email with the instructions. Have you read it? Have you
>tried it out? I'm upset to hear such statements if people did not even
>tried it. I asked you for feedback and got no reply.

You mean the installer instructions? Yes I tried yesterday and it worked. I 
also saw your nsh changes in git. I further plan to investigate how a mingw 
build could be integrated. Also I wonder what for files from the zip packages 
are really needed and if there would be a better place than a downloadable zip 
file for them.

>> >Sorry, but it is an effrontery to say that no dev has the time nor
>>ability to build a reliable installer!
>> But it looked like you are not able to get a straightforward build, 
>Please read what I wrote. I did not write thus! I wrote the opposite
>and requested you to test a ready installer.
>> you told you have to touch 40 pathes to get a build up. Hearing this,
>the only reaction is "wtf is he doing". 
>Just run CMake and set Qt to Qt4. For Qt 5 there are only 6 Qt paths.
>>> Of course the installer for beta works fine - tested for 2 days on 5
>>PCs. And no, LyX on Windows is as stable as LyX on Mac and Unix.
>> This was to early, because until now we have no beta release. You
>have to build the installer after the beta is out.
>Damn, the INSTALLER. Of course I will build LYx wheb it is released.

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