Le 25/01/2016 00:32, Uwe Stöhr a écrit :
Am 25.01.2016 um 00:28 schrieb Guillaume Munch:

 > Georg's commit indeed fixed the alignment, but not the width of the
column, which sometimes makes it hard to see that the first line is
left-aligned and the last one right-aligned. So you are saying that the
fix of multline was not sufficient to correctly reflect the meaning of
multline. Since #1497 was open before Georg's patch which already
improved the situation, it might be good to add a comment to the ticket
explaining why the bug is not fixed yet and what more is expected.

I am confused now. Isn't it obvious that the alignment within LyX is not
correct? Attached is the screenshot of what I see in LyX. Compare this
with the attached PDF output.

Your example illustrates what I described.

See also the attached LyX file to see what is expected (of course
without the \hfills).

My patches add a fixed gap between pairs of columns, depending on the
AMS environment. You would like this gap to behave like horizontal
springs. My changes are all I really need to work, whereas you would
like to be more faithful to the pdf output (instant preview fulfils that
purpose for me).

As I understood it the WYSIWYM concept is to give the user the feedback
of how it would appear in the output - without helpers like instant

However, even with instant preview the alignment is not correct: The
"A=Bbb" must be directly below the word "desired"

My patches introduce feedback that is currently inexistent. Being further "photorealistic" in the way you ask requires to dig deeper into the code, so I am going to ask to open new enhancement requests once my code is committed. My changes certainly do not preclude further enhancements.

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