Le 24/01/2016 12:04, Uwe Stöhr a écrit :
Am 22.01.2016 um 20:30 schrieb Guillaume Munch:

Can you please tell me what issue you are referring to precisely in
#1497 then?

Open the testfile I attached to

Compare the appearance in lyx with that in the PDF output:

- for multline (first formula in the testfile) the first line starts in
the output at the leftmost position, the last one at the rightmost. But
in LyX not.

Georg's commit indeed fixed the alignment, but not the width of the
column, which sometimes makes it hard to see that the first line is
left-aligned and the last one right-aligned. So you are saying that the
fix of multline was not sufficient to correctly reflect the meaning of
multline. Since #1497 was open before Georg's patch which already
improved the situation, it might be good to add a comment to the ticket
explaining why the bug is not fixed yet and what more is expected.

- for flalign (second formula in the testfile) the first 2 columns are
in the output at the leftmost position, the last 2 columns at the
rightmost. But in LyX not.

- for align (third formula in the testfile) the first 2 columns are in
the output at a position in the middle between the middle of the page
and the laft border, the last 2 columns are at the middle-right
position. But in LyX not.

My patches add a fixed gap between pairs of columns, depending on the
AMS environment. You would like this gap to behave like horizontal
springs. My changes are all I really need to work, whereas you would
like to be more faithful to the pdf output (instant preview fulfils that
purpose for me).

In addition, as far as I understand Georg tried to have such variable
gaps in the patch at http://www.lyx.org/trac/ticket/1861. The patch has
been unfinished for seven years, and what I propose instead is a simple
fix available now. The further improvements you would like to have seem
to require more work. This is why I will try to get my patches in 2.2.1
as is.


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