On 2016-05-05, mn wrote:
> On 05.05.16 18:18, Guenter Milde wrote:
>> On 2016-05-05, mn wrote:

>> The problem is, that you have to distinguish between shortcuts defined by
>> LyX and shortcuts defined by the OS, window manager or keyboard application.

> That’s what I meant by expressing my confusion with “more complicated”.

>> Do you get “ with Opt-" also in other applications?

> Yes, this is a standard and defined system-wide on a Mac with German
> keyboard-layout.

So this is similar to AltGr+B on my German Linux keyboard.

However, system-wide input conventions are not the topic of the lyx user

>>> This is getting more complicated than I thought. Not the least since
>>> de- and en- UserGuides are inconsistent on this matter!

>>> de:  Um ein einfaches Anführungszeichens zu schreiben wollen, benutzen
>>> Sie Alt+“.
>>> (This also some kind of pidgin-German that needs to be reworded anyway!)
>>> en:  For single quotes you have to use the shortcut Control-".

Actually, here I get with German keyboard and English locale:

  For single quotes you have to use the shortcut Alt+".
>> The User-Guide is "interactive", i.e. it adapts the description to the
>> current configuration. This is intended.

> As I commented previously, I noticed that en-UserGuide employs this
> \shortcut-macro – also in other parts of the doc; in turn leading to
> possible problems with the page margins.

> And even after googling for it again I do not know how this macro is
> created within LyX (since it does not show itself as ERT).

It is expanded within LyX and not by LaTeX. I.e. the tex source already
contains the expanded version (similar to the substitution of Unicode
characters by LICR macros).

> But:
> Viewing UserGuide en and de on the same machine, same OS, same
> OS-UI-language, same Lyx-UI-language, same keyboard-layout should
> produce the same shortcut?


> It might be "interactive"; or adaptive? For the English doc.

> en-UG says in the source:

> For single quotes you have to use the shortcut
> \shortcut{Control-\textquotedbl{}}.

> while de-UG says in the source:

> Um ein einfaches Anführungszeichens zu schreiben wollen, benutzen
> Sie \textsf{Alt+``}.

This is the LaTeX source, the LyX source is

For single quotes you have to use the shortcut 
\begin_inset Info
type  "shortcut"
arg   "quote-insert single"

> So, German UserGuide is not adaptive here.

You are right, the part about quotes in the German guide does not use the
info-inset and is not well translated.  Also missing is a sentence about
the possibility to disable the "smart quote" key-binding and insert the ASCII
quote with " and typographical quotes via system shortcuts.

This is worth a track ticket.

> It suggests the wrong modifier-key on Mac.

Not sure here: what does the key combo Alt-" (i.e. Alt Shift-2) insert in
your case?


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