Le 04/05/17 à 00:30, Uwe Stöhr a écrit :
I again missed things from you. Could you please resend the example? In
which post have you sent it? (Maybe I need to check my list reading
software that it doesn't swallow attachments).

Here is the example again. Note that it is not rcket science: I just tried a file with the arabic babel option.

With this file, the numbers are on the left side in the PDF output, although I did not use leqno.

No, this is Arabic text at least for some Arabic support packages. I
do not know the full list, I do not know Arabic. I am just pointing
out that it is wrong to assume that standard classes always have
numbering on the right.

I did not say this. I said that this is the default setting of LaTeX. I
discussed the case when classes changes the default.

Here, it is a matter of language, not class.

I still don't get your point. leqno leads to left side numbering. If the
special document class or a package already places the number on the
left side, then leqno does nothing.

So we only implement the possibility of forcing to the left, but not forcing to the right. And we implement a GUI output that will be wrong for some languages (we still do not have a complete list, actually).

This is not half-baked in my opinion. Supporting reqno requires an
explicit call of amsmath. Moreover document classes that already don't
use the default placement have a special reason to do so.

All classes have a specific reason to do something. What you propose is to implement a way to change the default, after all. And AFAIK, loading amsmath does not have lead to any adverse result, does it?

I think we
should distinguish between standard classes (all I know use right
numbering as default) that can be used for texts you can design freely,
and document classes for journals that are designed to follow publishing
guidelines. With these journal classes the user is not allowed to format
freely. Therefore I don't want to offer an option that would overwrite a
setting that was most probably set to follow a submission guideline.

I understand your point, but it is shaky. So you advise not to use reqno with amsart, although this class is from the people who invented the reqno option !

So please fell free to ad support reqno if others agree.

No, I am not going to "feel free" to implement it. I already "fell free" to rewrite partly the fleqn patch and to implement the GUI drawing. I also "fell free" to propose to help with the drawing of equation numbers when it is ready. Here I am only doing code/feature review, these are not issues on my TODO list.

If we go back to the issue at hand, adding "leqno" in a text field is quite trivial. Where LyX could add some actual value is
* show properly the equation number in the absence of any option
* remember to add amsmath if needed when using reqno.

Also, not that, as Günter pointed out, it is easy to add a
  Provides leqno 1
line in a textclass, and interpret that to mean that the number is already on the left. Or maybe it is too hackish and adding a new option (thus changing layout files version is the way to go).

Finally, if you decide to stand on the left-only possibility, the right UI in document settings would be IMO a checkbox saying something like
  [X] Force math numbering to the left

The current menu-based solution is very weird IMO.


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