Herbert Voss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>>> why should I do a lyx->latex->lyx cycle?
>> You need it if you work on a document with a coauthor which doesn't have LyX.
> this is the only reason??

It is the only reason for doing the cycle I can see. Having said that,
interoperability in general is a pretty good reason, I think. A lot of
texts I work with are written in LaTeX, not in LyX (and they are not
even written by me :-)). So a decent import facility is important to
me (with Lyx 1.1.5 is works quite ok). 

If the full cycle works correctly, it is just a sign of the latex
import being well done. 

Concerning the aspects of a lyx document that do not appear in the
latex file, I think they are of minor importance. Maybe a "merge"
would be useful: take these from the old lyx document, and the text
from latex. 

                    Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Umweltfreundlich, da aus recycleten Buchstaben.

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