On Wed, 8 Aug 2001, Andre Poenitz wrote:

> I wonder whether the situation would improve once we had (a) a decent
> document structure and (b) the reLyX code in C++.
> I think there are not many things in reLyX that cant' be done in C++ and
> - that's the point - there are more developers that know C++ than perl.

Three years ago, it would have been a mistake to reimplement reLyX in
C++, because C++ did not have proper regex-support. However, now we
include Boost in LyX, and Boost has an excellent regex-package. It's
as capable as the Perl regexps.

Therefore, I think it would make sense to reimplement reLyX in C++ now.

- Yet another dependency bites the dust
- More developers can work on the code
- We get more control, and can provide better error handling because
  we are close to the real data structure.
  For instance, it will be simpler to insert error boxes where we
  get stuff that we can't grok.
- If done properly, a C++ LaTeX parser would be a nice contribution to
  the world in general

- It's arguably faster to develop code in Python
- Some people know Python, but not C++



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