>>>>> "sgregory" == sgregory  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

sgregory> Steve Gregory ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) entered the
sgregory> following feedback message on the LyX home page:
sgregory> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

sgregory> Well, I upgraded to 1.2.0 from 1.1.6 and have now gone back
sgregory> to 1.1.6 because figures are a mess. What have you guys
sgregory> done? Some figures, as displayed in LyX, seem to be just
sgregory> fine. Others are strangely pixelized or are cut off in some
sgregory> way. I've spent a lot of time trying to make sense of the
sgregory> new dialog boxes for figure insertion etc and roamed around
sgregory> the documentation, but I am totally baffled. There must be
sgregory> some preference that is not set properly or a problem with
sgregory> Imagemagick, but it beats me.

OK, could you tell us more about your configuration? xforms version,
for example? Did you run Edit>Reconfigure with 1.2.0?

sgregory> By the way, a problem I have always had in 1.1.6 and then
sgregory> again in 1.2.0 is that some of the buttons in the Math panel
sgregory> are unlabelled.

You are using either redhat 7.[012] or Mandrake 8.x and the urw-fonts
package is broken on these distributions. I have explained how to fix
it here:

sgregory> Please tell me I am wrong and that this application, which I
sgregory> really love, is not worsening with each release,

No it is not.

Is that the answer you were expecting? ;)


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