On Thursday 11 July 2002 8:57 pm, Herbert Voss wrote:
> Angus Leeming wrote:
>  > Attached is a "smart loader" for the previews. I'd really, really like
>  > interested users --- that's the mathematicians out there who use
> /lots/ of
>  > equations to test it out.
>  >
>  > It's meant to enable you to generate and display the previews with no
>  > discernible effect on LyX's responsiveness.
> nice work :-)
> I loaded one of my books with a lot of mathstuff. Only some
> problems:
> - it starts only when I walk with the cursor "through" some
>     mathboxes

Yes. For some reason the first page doesn't think it's visible until the 
entire document is loaded. Or something.

If I can't track this down properly (quite possible) the work around is to 
load insets for the first page anyway. Should be easy enough.

> - in tabulars with matstuff in every cell, I have some
>     in preview and some not, not so good
> sed: Couldn't open file bbox.sed
> extracting metrics failed.
>     is the message, when I walk from cell to cell
> - now I see, that tabulars are totally ignored???

Really? Small example doument please.

> - stere is still the problem with the not ignored
>     geometry settings -> eqno is unvisible

You're asking the wrong man. Ask a LaTeX expert ;-)

> - the eqno is f.ex: 0.21 but it's the third chapter
>     and it should be 3.5, a minor problem ...

Alternatively, you could hack preview.sty so that it outputs (eq:label) 
rather than (0.21) [eq:label

David said he'd be willing to accept a patch...

> - equations in floats (caption) are not previewed
>     maybe all insets???

It's possible that my isInsetVisible function won't work on these. Same 
problem as the tabulars and something that Jürgen might be able to help with.

> - scrolling quickly to the end -> peng


> - restart and imidiately scrolling to the end was ok,
>     but now only the formulas through which I "walked"
>     were previewed, no the one before or behind

I don't understand what you mean here. 

> Statistics:
> 285 numbered equations
> 732 pages in the metrics file
> 57 MBytes for the ppm-files

Experiment with gs -sDEVICE=pnmraw. Does that reduce disk footprint much?

Maybe now is the time to write/use lyxpreview2png.sh.
On loading, the xforms loader will have to run a conversion to ppm step 
first, so loading will take a little longer but not much. Disk footprint 
would then be O(1MB). Moreover the Qt loader will just load ;-)


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