On Wednesday 09 October 2002 9:10 am, Rod Pinna wrote:
> > Perhaps this'll do it ;-)
> > \converter epsi eps "if [ $$i != $$o ]; then cp -f $$i $$o;
> > fi" ""
> Sorry all, I totally forgot to follow this up. Anyways, I
> tried this with 122cvs (from a few days ago now) and it worked
> well for me, as far as i can see.
> One question, what happens if $$i=$$o?

The converter returns an exit status of 0 (success) having done 
nothing. Since you told me that LaTeX is perfectly happy with 
your epsi files, then this should be sufficient to overcome any 
pedantry on the part of LyX and just let things work.

The converter mechanism is very powerful, but sometimes I think 
we try too hard to configure it so that it will acommodate 
different systems automatically.


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