On Wednesday 09 October 2002 10:57 am, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes 
> >>>>> "Angus" == Angus Leeming <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Angus> On Wednesday 09 October 2002 9:10 am, Rod Pinna wrote:
> >> > Perhaps this'll do it ;-) > \converter epsi eps "if [ $$i
> >> > != $$o
> >>
> >> ]; then cp -f $$i $$o; > fi" ""
> >>
> >> Sorry all, I totally forgot to follow this up. Anyways, I
> >> tried this with 122cvs (from a few days ago now) and it
> >> worked well for me, as far as i can see.
> >>
> >> One question, what happens if $$i=$$o?
> Angus> The converter returns an exit status of 0 (success)
> having done Angus> nothing. Since you told me that LaTeX is
> perfectly happy with Angus> your epsi files, then this should
> be sufficient to overcome any Angus> pedantry on the part of
> LyX and just let things work.
> OK, I think we have to stop and think a bit here. As far as I
> understand the situation, the detection of epsi files has been
> added to lyx 1.2.1 because there were some epsi files that
> dvips (or is it convert?) could not digest easily. So the idea
> at this time was to use eps2eps to strip out the preview from
> epsi files and make them work effortlessly. However, there are
> problems with that

Sure. I was just trying to give Rod something that would work 
for him. I believe I sent the 'cp' fix to him personally, not to 
the list and only after he told me that LaTeX could deal with 
his epsi files.

> Therefore, I see two solutions:

Actually, since it is us that invokes the converter, why don't 
we ensure that file names are unique. Eg

        static int counter = 0;
        string const tofilebase = tostr(++counter) + ...;


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