On 22 Nov 2002, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:

> >>>>> "Rod" == Rod Pinna <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Rod> The patch seems to work. Mind you, I have some issues with the
> Rod> eps2eps conversion; it converts my fonts to bitmaps, and it seems
> Rod> to screw the bbox info in my eps files. 
> What version of ghosscript do you use?

7.03. As copying seems to be faster than eps2eps, I'll stay with that I
think, anyway.
> Rod> I stick with the straight copying, as my version of dvips doesn't
> Rod> seem to have any problem with my particular epsi files.
> Rod> Short answer --- yes, it works.
> Rod> I tries it with 122cvs, BTW.
> Thanks for testing. I'll apply the patch anyway.
> JMarc

rod   | "Beneath the waves, the waves / That's where I will be /
      |     I'm going to see the cow beneath the sea."
      |                 They Might Be Giants, Lincoln

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