On 27 Nov 2002, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:

> OK, enough is enough. I _want_ to release 1.2.2 rsn and this epsi
> situation is getting on my nerves :) I'd appreciate any help on
> this... Read below on how you can help.
> What is this %%EndImage doing there? Does it make any sense in epsi?
> My conclusion from all this is that it is not the epsi-ness of the
> file that is a problem, but its brokenness! It is a ps file converted
> to eps, and clearly pstill has not been very good at doing it.
> So, was the epsi argument just a red herring? In this case, we should
> really remove all trace of epsi handling from 1.2.2 since it is
> causing us endless problems (and tell people with broken pstill files
> to try something else...).
> Are there other people who have problematic epsi files? I'd really
> like to see them...

I played a bit with the pendula.epsi-file I found from Herbert's mail and 
here are some results.

The file pendula.epsi fails when I try to convert it with for instance:

        convert pendula.epsi pendula.eps

however, if change the line

  save countdictstack mark newpath /showpage {} def /setpagedevice {pop} def

in the file pendula.epsi into a comment

% save countdictstack mark newpath /showpage {} def /setpagedevice {pop} def

then the conversion works. However, the output consists of two pages, so 
if I for instance execute:

        convert EPSI:pendula.epsi PNG:pendula.png

I end up with _two_ files, pendula.png.0 which seems to contain the 
desired image and pendula.png.1 which is empty.
So.. one way to get just the first image is to execute:

        convert "EPSI:pendula.epsi[0]" PNG:pendula.png

another is of course just to rename pendula.png.0, and a third is to run 
the additional command:

        combine -compose over pendula.png.? pendula.png

Anyway, this produces pendula.png which looks ok. So I tried modifying the 
converters in LyX and the following conversion line

        EPSI->PNG:      convert EPSI:$$i[0] PNG:$$o

works (although I couldn't get it to work with quotes, ", but that's 
probably something else).

So, to conclude: I think the .epsi-file is corrupt and the possible 
problem that LyX might have is with convert, in case it produces multiple 
output images.

Hope this helps


Christian Ridderström, +46-8-790 91 37           http://www.md.kth.se/~chr
Mechatronics lab, Dept. of Machine Design        http://www.md.kth.se

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