>>>>> "Herbert" == Herbert Voss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Herbert> I have no problem with pendula.eps

[I guess you mean pendula2.eps]

You mean that 
  convert pendula2.eps pendula2.png
works, but
  convert pendula.epsi pendula.png
does not work? 

What imagemagick version is that? Personnally, here is what I get:

schuss: convert pendula.epsi pendula.png
convert: Unable to open file (/tmp/magicqicNc7) [No such file or directory].
convert: Missing an image file name.
schuss: convert pendula2.eps pendula2.png
convert: Unable to open file (/tmp/magiceikz9h) [No such file or directory].
convert: Missing an image file name.
schuss: convert -v|head
Version: @(#)ImageMagick 5.2.7 01/01/01 Q:8 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Copyright: Copyright (C) 2001 ImageMagick Studio

Usage: convert [options ...] file [ files... ] output_file

Where options include:
  -adjoin              join images into a single multi-image file
  -affine matrix       drawing transform matrix
  -antialias           remove pixel-aliasing
  -append              append an image sequence

If what you mean is that lyx works with it, yes, I know about that.

Herbert> the attached file is an eps one, it has no preview part. 

I know... This is the pendula.epsi file that you posted in the message
that I referenced, in which I removed the preview. My point is that
the preview does not change anything to convert's problems, and thus
epsi is irrelevant.

Herbert> I modified some time ago filetools.C to detect eps-files with
Herbert> a header like

Herbert> %!PS-Adobe-2.0 EPSF-1.2 %%Title: (Flattened version of
Herbert> pendula.ps) %%Creator: (PStill V1.5 (c) by Frank M. Siegert
Herbert> 1997-2001)

Herbert> as an epsi one so that my converter definition does the rest

Where is this modification? I did not find it in the sources. Any way
I'd rather not have it :)

Herbert> standard epsi files work anyway.

What do you mean? eps2eps is not an epsi->eps converter but a tool
which completely rewrites an eps using gs pswrite driver. A side
effect of that is that the epsi preview is gone. Big deal.

My interpretation of the problem is that pendula.epsi did not suffer
from being an epsi file, but from being a ps file (badly) wrapped into
eps. If you type "gs pendula.epsi" from the command line, you will see
that the gs prompt is "GS<1>" and not "GS>" as it is with any normal
eps file. There is something bad going on. 

Christian Ridderström investigations suggest that the epsi file is
somehow has several pages, which is of course a big no-no. So I guess
we should just declare that pendula.epsi is broken

So now we know that selecting on epsi is _wrong_, since epsi (ie the
preview) is irrelevant here. You seem to propose to select separately
files produced by pstill. But first you would have to prove that all
files produced using this tool need some conversions. I have yet to
see that (note that the bad properties of pendula.epsi are not due to
pstill, but to the fact that it was a bad file that pstill did not
manage to fix).

Finally, you seem to think that running eps2eps to a file that does
not need it (ie run it on _all_ epsi and pstill files although we have
only one odd example of something going wrong) does not hurt.
Unfortunately that is _wrong_ too: the file sent by Rob Lahaye (which
is a `real' eps file) is completely killed by eps2eps creative rewrite
(for some reason I do not understand). Try for yourself to run eps2eps
on the attached eps file: it breaks the bounding box and turns the
fonts into bitmaps...

So, until someone tells me about a real use of epsi detection, I'm
going to rip this off. Don't misunderstand me: I am ready to change my
mind about it, but I need convincing facts.


Attachment: X.eps.gz
Description: Binary data

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