OK, enough is enough. I _want_ to release 1.2.2 rsn and this epsi
situation is getting on my nerves :) I'd appreciate any help on
this... Read below on how you can help.

>>>>> "Rod" == Rod Pinna <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>>  Could you send me a file that does not work well?

Rod> Attached. Since the files are small, I've sent them to the list
Rod> as well, in case anyone is curious. I've sent the origianl files,
Rod> and the converted file, using

Rod> eps2eps X.eps X-eps2eps.eps

So eps2eps is crap (I get the same result as you do). We need to get
rid of it. Two solutions:

- replace eps2eps by a perl/whatever script that removes the preview
  from the epsi. However it seems that it is not enough (see below)

- get rid of epsi support (I tend to lean towards this one). 

I began to make some research about what files cause problems. The
only one I found is mentionned by herbert:


The file proposed here is from pstill. It is indeed an epsi file, but
with the strange feature that the preview is like

%%BeginPreview: 394 472 1 472
% 0000000000000000000000000000000000003fc0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
% 000000000000000000000000000000000000fff0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
% 00000000000000000000000000000000000500fc3ce000000000000000000000000000000000000
% 0000000000000000000000000000000000020003e04000000000000000000000000000000000000

What is this %%EndImage doing there? Does it make any sense in epsi?

So I took the file, edited it to remove the preview and obtained the
attached file (pendula2.eps). If I try to run convert on it, it just
fails! Could other people try it too? Also, could somebody who knows
about that tell me whether I should do something else to turn an epsi
file into an eps one?

My conclusion from all this is that it is not the epsi-ness of the
file that is a problem, but its brokenness! It is a ps file converted
to eps, and clearly pstill has not been very good at doing it.

So, was the epsi argument just a red herring? In this case, we should
really remove all trace of epsi handling from 1.2.2 since it is
causing us endless problems (and tell people with broken pstill files
to try something else...).

Are there other people who have problematic epsi files? I'd really
like to see them...

I'd be interested too to know whether latest imagemagick release are
able to handle the files correctly.


Attachment: pendula2.eps.gz
Description: Binary data

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