On Mon, Jul 07, 2003 at 01:49:06PM +0100, John Levon wrote:
> Entirely wasting my time, but ...
> On Mon, Jul 07, 2003 at 02:33:10PM +0200, Andre Poenitz wrote:
> > I guess you'd hear me as soon anybody tries to _release_ 1.4.0 like this.
> Are you seriously stating you'll veto this ? AFAIK you don't have this
> right over the menus.

Certainly not. But not shouting 'veto' does not mean it is unhearable.

> > Groundwork? It has been like that all the time. People are used to it.
> > If there is no technical reason for the change and if there is no
> > consensus it should stay as it was.
> There is consensus amongst everybody except you. That includes Lars and
> JMarc.

If so I might not be able to change it. This still doesn't mean it goes
> There are technical reasons for the change. Again, you're too lazy to
> actually argue the points from what I can see. Every time I reply with a
> detailed rationale, you go quiet. I'm not stupid enough to try again.

Betting the farm on that?

> > I've been using LyX for six years now, and I find
> > 
> >   - Layout -> Document
> >   - Layout -> Paragraph
> >   - Layout -> Character
> > 
> > very logical now. 
> The phrasing of this sentence makes my point perfectly I think.

It was intended to be phrased like that.

> For the last time, if *you* (or any other user) doesn't want to make the
> change, use classic.ui !

You mean the thing that won't show even a single item in the toolbar?
Maybe I am getting a bit too conservative nowadays, but I would not
consider this as 'no change'.

> [Detailed explanation elided as you will neither listen nor respond to
> it]

No problem.

> Furthermore, I count *one* user complaining so far, plus Michael S.
> asking about the rationale for the changes.

So one of us should practise incrementing binary numbers with overflow ;-)


Those who desire to give up Freedom in order to gain Security, will not have,
nor do they deserve, either one.     (T. Jefferson or B. Franklin or both...)

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