On Mon, Jul 07, 2003 at 03:05:42PM +0200, Andre Poenitz wrote:

> Certainly not. But not shouting 'veto' does not mean it is unhearable.

"Your objection has been noted", I said acerbically ;)

> > There are technical reasons for the change. Again, you're too lazy to
> > actually argue the points from what I can see. Every time I reply with a
> > detailed rationale, you go quiet. I'm not stupid enough to try again.
> Betting the farm on that?

OK, I admit, I probably am that stupid.

> > For the last time, if *you* (or any other user) doesn't want to make the
> > change, use classic.ui !
> You mean the thing that won't show even a single item in the toolbar?
> Maybe I am getting a bit too conservative nowadays, but I would not
> consider this as 'no change'.

Oops, I need to update that file.


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