Michael Gerz wrote:
> I post it from time to time :-) If only I could convince Angus that
> static linking is much better than dynamic linking. Than the whole
> LyX/Win family would be united again :-)

You can't convince me, because it's not ;-)

Let's be clear: it's a kludge to get decent compile times using the MinGW
compiler. Let's also be clear: compile times are better for you, but not
significantly better for me.

Uniting the scripts is a different issue. I'm sure that it's not beyond the
wit of man to modify development/Win32/packaging/build_lyxwin.sh so that
there are both static and dynamic routes. Usage:

  sh build_lyxwin.sh static '1.3.7pre9'
  sh build_lyxwin.sh dynamic '1.3.7pre9'

where '1.3.7pre9' is an optional extra (as now).


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