Joost Verburg wrote:
Angus Leeming wrote:
<shrug>Try it out and supply me with the details of what you did and
I'll write you a shell script to automate the process</shrug>

My idea is:
[snip instructions...]
Now you end up with a large set of zip files in your output directory.

Angus replied:
You sure do. Running the attached shell script from my home directory:
  $ sh
  $ ls AspellDicts/  ....


SH: I came across a Windows precompiled .60.3 Aspell
binary and a bundled dictionary (zip) with some instructions.


.zip file - with en-US dictionary (must install to "C:\Aspell")
Usage (for .zip file version)
"Unzip the contents of the download onto the root of your C:\.

The path, unfortunately, is hard coded into the binary. The
--enable-win32-relocatable option is currently not working
in the Aspell sources.

I would have chosen C:\Program Files\ as the default install path,
but the space in the path name gave me trouble. Update Seth got it
working by using C:\Progra~1\Aspell for the installer version.

All of your dictionary files should go into C:\Aspell\data.
The en-US dictionary is included in the .zip. If people are
interested I can build other dictionaries as well."



"I then downloaded the latest en-US dictionary, and
ran ./configure; make; make install.

The contents of this file are the contents of the created install directory.

I don't include any .reg files to register the .dlls in this package. Look
at the ones from the 0.50.3 installer if you'd like to see what they did.

Help Request: 0.50.3 had a nifty windows installer and (probably)
wasn't limited in its install path location. Care to help me out here?"


SH: I this packaging scheme adaptable?
The dict files went to C:\Aspell\data


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